Environmental consciousness and clean-up event

Event Overview

Embrace your eco-consciousness and join us for a day dedicated to preserving our environment. Our Environmental Consciousness and Clean-Up Event bring together volunteers to participate in cleaning parks, streets, and riverbanks, contributing to a cleaner, greener community.

Volunteering with Charity has been an enlightening journey for many, showcasing the power of collective goodwill in action. Witness firsthand the positive effects of our efforts as we work towards a cleaner, greener future for all.



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CharityFlow event attendees show their support through presence and donations, aiding in raising awareness for the cause.

The event begins with insights from local environmental advocates, emphasizing the importance of community efforts in conservation. Complimentary snacks and beverages will be provided to keep everyone energized throughout the day. Capture the community's spirit with a group photo, commemorating our collective commitment to environmental stewardship.

Why Join Us?

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Impact your community: Your participation directly contributes to reducing pollution and beautifying our shared spaces.
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Meet new friends: Spend the day with like-minded individuals who care about their environment and community.
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Get active: Enjoy a day outside, get some exercise, and feel great about making a positive impact.

Event Details

Friday, March 1, 2024
10:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Meeting point:
Countryside lane, district heights.
Provided supplies:
Trash bags, grabbers, safety vests, and first-aid kits.
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