Community wellness walk for mental health awareness

Event Overview

Join us in promoting mental health awareness and fostering community well-being at our Community Wellness Walk. Take a step towards greater understanding and support for mental health as we walk together to raise awareness and break the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

Volunteering with Charity has been a profoundly rewarding experience, affirming the importance of collective compassion in supporting mental health initiatives.



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CharityFlow event attendees show their support through presence and donations, aiding in raising awareness for the cause.

The walk will commence with an uplifting speech from a mental health advocate, shedding light on the significance of destigmatizing mental health issues. As we walk, participants will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations and connect with others who share their commitment to mental well-being.

Why Join Us?

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Impact your community: Your participation directly contributes to reducing pollution and beautifying our shared spaces.
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Meet new friends: Spend the day with like-minded individuals who care about their environment and community.
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Get active: Enjoy a day outside, get some exercise, and feel great about making a positive impact.

Event Details

Saturday, April 27, 2024
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Meeting point:
Meadowbrook park, gathering at pavilion.
Provided supplies:
Water stations, healthy snacks, and informational resources.
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